Booking API

This document describes the Logistics Explorer Booking API web service.

Api uses Bearer token. To get token follow this link with ID that gives your manager.


You must send this token as header to all requests. Header example:

authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbG....

Link to send all these API queries:

Get booking information

Property Type Description
id Integer, required This is the booking ID
inbound Boolean, required Incoming or outgoing booking
type String, required Booking status type (all, pending, in-progress, archive)
page Integer, required Page number
query {
    booking (id: XXXXXXXX) {
query {
    bookings (inbound: true, type: "all", page: 1) {


Property Type Description
id Integer This is the booking ID
shipment_id Integer ID cards on Logistics Explorer
type String Booking type (FCL, LCL, BULK, etc.)
identity [Identity] Identification of the current user
booker [Booker] Booker Information
manager [Booker] Manager Information
platform [Platform] Platform Information
product_name String The product name
comment String Product Description
carrier_name String Carrier name
liner_terms String Liner terms
ready_to_load Integer Date when the shipment is ready for shipment (Unix time)
customs_clearance Boolean Do I need customs clearance
insurance Boolean Do I need insurance
cargo_payment Boolean Do I need cargo payment
shipment_inspection Boolean Do I need shipment inspection
co2_included Boolean Do I need pay co2 included
paid Boolean Is the booking status paid
container_code String Booked container code
container_type String Booked container type name
quantity Integer Quantity of booked containers
volume Integer Booked cargo volume
weight Integer Booked cargo weight
status [Status] Current booking status
finance_total [FinanceTotal] Total cost of booking in USD
city_from [City] Departure city
port_from [Port] Departure port
barge_from [Port] Departure port for barge
city_to [City] Arrival city
port_to [Port] Arrival port
barge_to [Port] Arrival port for barge
rates [Rate] List of booked rates
payments [Payment] Payment information about booking
schedules [Schedule] Booking route schedule
shipping_instructions [ShippingInstructions] Booking Shipping Instructions
eVGM [eVGM] eVGM information
type Booking {
        id: Integer,
        shipment_id: Integer,
        type: String,
        identity: [Identity],
        booker: [Booker],
        manager: [Booker],
        platform: [Platform],
        product_name: String,
        comment: String,
        carrier_name: String,
        liner_terms: String,
        ready_to_load: Integer,
        customs_clearance: Boolean,
        insurance: Boolean,
        cargo_payment: Boolean,
        shipment_inspection: Boolean,
        co2_included: Boolean,
        paid: Boolean,
        container_code: String,
        container_type: String,
        quantity: Integer,
        volume: Integer,
        weight: Integer,
        status: [Status],
        finance_total: [FinanceTotal]
        city_from: [City],
        port_from: [Port],
        barge_from: [Port],
        city_to: [City],
        port_to: [Port],
        barge_to: [Port],
        rates: [Rate[]],
        payments: [Payment[]],
        schedules: [Schedule[]],
        shipping_instructions: [ShippingInstructions],
        eVGM: [eVGM]


Property Type Description
profile_id Integer ID profile current user
user_id Integer ID current user
first_name String First name current user
last_name String Last name current user
inbound Boolean Inbound or Outbound tab bookings
    profile_id: Integer,
    user_id: Integer,
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String,
    inbound: Boolean


Property Type Description
id Integer Booker user ID
name String Booker name
phone String Booker phone
email String Booker email
user [User] Full information for User
    id: Integer,
    name: String,
    phone: String,
    email: String,
    user: [User]


Property Type Description
profile_id Integer Profile ID
user_id Integer User ID
fist_name String Profile first name
last_name String Profile last name
company_name String Company name
email String User email
phone String User phone
company_logo String Reference for logotype company
currency [Currency] Currency information for user
    currency: [Currency]


Property Type Description
code String Currency code (ISO 4217)
rate Float Current exchange rate against the USD
    code: String,
    rate: Float


Property Type Description
id Integer Platform ID
user [User] Platform owner
    id: Integer,
    user: [User]


Property Type Description
id Integer Status ID
code String Timeline status code
name String Timeline status name
global_code String Main status code
global_name String Main status name
description String Description of status
color String Color code for status
active Boolean Trigger for current status
completed Boolean Trigger for completed statuses
    id: Integer,
    code: String,
    global_code: String,
    global_name: String,
    name: String,
    description: String,
    color: String,
    active: Boolean,
    completed: Boolean

Finance Total

Property Type Description
total_usd Float Finance total amount for booking
total_commission Float Finance total commission for booking
    total_usd: Float,
    total_commission: Float


Property Type Description
id Integer City ID
place_id String Google Place ID
address String Name for city
country String Country code for city
latitude Float Coordinate latitude
longitude Float Coordinate longitude
    id: Integer,
    place_id: String,
    address: String,
    country: String,
    latitude: Float,
    longitude: Float,


Property Type Description
id Integer Port ID
name String Name of port
code String ISO code of port
country String Country code for port
latitude Float Coordinate latitude
longitude Float Coordinate longitude
    id: Integer,
    name: String,
    code: String,
    country: String,
    latitude: Float,
    longitude: Float


Property Type Description
id Integer Booking rate ID
booking_id Integer Booking ID
rate_id Integer Rate ID on Logistics Explorer
rate_class String Type of rate
direction Float Rate direction
confirmed Boolean If the rate is confirmed by the manager
created_at Integer Unix time of book rate
    id: Integer,
    booking_id: Integer,
    rate_id: Integer,
    rate_class: String,
    direction: String,
    confirmed: Boolean,
    created_at: Integer,
    user: [User],
    finances: [Finances]


Property Type Description
id Integer Finance ID
rate_id String Rate ID
service String The name of the expense in the rate
currency String Currency on Logistic Explorer
currency_original String Сurrency in which the rate was added
price Float Price included commission
price_original Float Price for currency in which the rate was added
price_clear Float Price not included commission
quantity Integer Number of cost units
commission_type String Commission type per unit or percentage
commission_value Float Commission value
enabled Float Is the finance line active for editing
    id: Integer,
    rate_id: Integer,
    service: String,
    notes: String,
    currency: String,
    currency_original: String,
    price: Float,
    price_original: Float,
    price_clear: Float,
    quantity: Integer,
    commission_type: String,
    commission_value: Float,
    enabled: Boolean


Property Type Description
id Integer Payment ID
booking_id Integer Booking ID
order_id String Order ID
service String Name of payment service
title String Short name of payment service
amount Float Amount of payment
currency String Currency of payment
active Boolean If active for payment
paid Boolean If the payment has been paid
paid_date Integer Payment due date (unix time)
download Boolean If you can download the invoice
invoice_link String Link to download invoice
expire_date Integer Date by which the payment must be made (unix time)
created_at Integer Date of payment (unix time)
    id: Integer,
    booking_id: Integer,
    order_id: Integer,
    service: String,
    title: String,
    amount: Float,
    currency: String,
    active: Boolean,
    paid: Boolean,
    paid_date: Integer,
    download: Boolean,
    invoice_link: String,
    expire_date: Integer,
    created_at: Integer


Property Type Description
id Integer Schedule ID
booking_id Integer Booking ID
city String City of schedule point
country String Country of schedule point
previous String Sequence of points
info_type String Type of information
file_name String Name uploaded document
file_hash String Hash uploaded document
events [Event[]] List of events at a given point
    id: Integer,
    booking_id: Integer,
    city: String,
    country: String,
    previous: String,
    info_type: String,
    file_name: String,
    file_hash: String,
    events: [Event[]]


Property Type Description
id Integer Event ID
schedule_id Integer Schedule ID
movement_type String Type of movement
date String Event start date
name String Event name
trip_number String Trip number
transport_name String Transport name
notes String Notes to event
    id: Integer,
    schedule_id: Integer,
    movement_type: String,
    date: String,
    name: String,
    trip_number: String,
    transport_name: String,
    notes: String

Shipping Instruction

Property Type Description
id Integer Shipping instruction ID
booking_id Integer Booking ID
booking_number String Booking number
order_number String Order number
contract_number String Contract number
bl_number String Bill of landing number
forwarder_ref_number String Forwarder reference number
shipper_identifying_number String Shipper identifying number
shipper_reference_number String Shipper reference number
forwarder_reference_number String Forwarder reference number
carrier String Carrier name
parties [Party[]] List of parties
particulars [Particular[]] List of particulars
    id: Integer,
    booking_id: Integer,
    booking_number: String,
    order_number: String,
    contract_number: String,
    bl_number: String,
    forwarder_ref_number: String,
    shipper_identifying_number: String,
    shipper_reference_number: String,
    forwarder_reference_number: String,
    carrier: String,
    parties: [Parties[]],
    particulars: [Particular[]]


Property Type Description
id Integer Party ID
booking_id Integer Booking ID
role String Role of party
alias String Alias for party
company_name String Company name
vat_number String VAT Number
country_name String Country name
country_code String Country code
city String City name
street String Street address
postal_code String Postal code
contact_name String Contact name
contact_phone String Contact phone
contact_email String Contact email
forwarder_reference String Forwarder reference
    id: Integer,
    booking_id: Integer,
    role: String,
    alias: String,
    company_name: String,
    vat_number: String,
    country_name: String,
    country_code: String,
    city: String,
    street: String,
    postal_code: String,
    contact_name: String,
    contact_phone: String,
    contact_email: String,
    forwarder_reference: String


Property Type Description
id Integer Particular ID
booking_id Integer Booking ID
container_number String Container number
seal_number String Seal number
package_type_id Integer Package type ID
package_quantity Integer Quantity of package
cargo_description String Cargo description
gross_weight Integer Gross weight
gross_weight_type String Unit type for gross weight
net_weight Integer Net weight
net_weight_type String Unit type for net weight
gross_volume Integer Gross volume
gross_volume_type String Unit type for gross volume
imo_class String IMO Class
hs_code String HS code
    id: Integer,
    booking_id: Integer,
    container_number: Integer,
    seal_number: String,
    package_type_id: Integer,
    package_quantity: Integer,
    cargo_description: String,
    gross_weight: Integer,
    gross_weight_type: String,
    net_weight: Integer,
    net_weight_type: String,
    gross_volume: Integer,
    gross_volume_type: String,
    imo_class: String,
    hs_code: String


Property Type Description
id Integer eVGM ID
booking_id String Booking ID
approval_signature String Approval signature
approval_date Integer Approval date (unix time)
notify_email String Email for notify
items Item[] List of eVGM Items
    id: Integer,
    booking_id: Integer,
    approval_signature: String,
    approval_date: Integer,
    notify_email: String,
    items: [eVGMItem]

eVGM Item

Property Type Description
id Integer eVGM Item ID
evgm_id Integer eVGM ID
container_number String Container number
gross_weight Integer Gross weight
gross_weight_type String Unit type for gross weight
tare_weight Integer Tare weight
tare_weight_type String Unit type for gross weight
verified_gross_mass Integer Verified gross mass
verified_gross_mass_type String Unit type for verified gross mass
responsible_party String Responsible party
method_of_weighing String Method of weighing
    id: Integer,
    evgm_id: Integer,
    container_number: String,
    gross_weight: Integer,
    gross_weight_type: String,
    tare_weight: Integer,
    tare_weight_type: String,
    verified_gross_mass: Integer,
    verified_gross_mass_type: String,
    responsible_party: String,
    method_of_weighing: String